
About Us

Empowering students with values and knowledge.


About the School

Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Kanhangad was established in 1978. The foundation stone was laid by Poojya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda. The Vidyalaya is a Co-Educational Institution and has a structure of 5 +3+3+4 pattern as per the norms of NEP2020. The Vidyalaya is situated in a peaceful and congenial atmosphere in Athiyambur, Kanhangad near Subramanya Temple a distance of 2km from Kanhangad town.

The school was affiliated with the C.B.S.E (1984) and the first batch of AISSE (Class X) came out in 1996-97. The School was upgraded to Senior Secondary in 2008. Our Vidyalaya aims to provide quality education to our children and equip them to face 21st Century learning skills. We offer congenial atmosphere to our students to achieve academic excellence, spiritual and cultural enrichment.

About the Organisation

Chinmaya Vidyalayas are run under the auspices of the Central Chinmaya Mission Trust, Bombay, in different parts of the country. The Vidyalaya in each place is administered by a Managing Committee under the regional Trust consisting of the local members of the Chinmaya Mission and other people interested in the cause. The School has nursery as well as primary classes in most of the centres. Montessori and other modern systems are adopted in the nursery section. In the primary classes we follow the curricula of other recognized schools. The medium of instruction is English.

In a growing child, individuality unfolds over the years. Stage by stage his awareness and understanding abilities and capacities unfold as he becomes more and more aware of our world and gradually he moves from the dim consciousness of infancy through the dreamy days of childhood, to the intellectual awareness of adolescence and beyond to adulthood. 

We should assist in this awakening process in the healthiest possible way by bringing to the child the right kind of educational nourishment. This is what Chinmaya Vidyalaya is aiming at with sincerity in the best interests of the children and their future.

Aims & Objectives

  • To offer children a value-based and holistic education which paves the way for the Integrated Development of the physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual aspects of the personality, enriched by the knowledge of Indian Culture, a feeling of Patriotism and a Universal Outlook.
  • We give a practical and judicious combination of academic excellence, extracurricular pursuits, character building and personality development.
  • To mould children into young men and women of moral strength who can face the challenges of modern life with a smile and make a difference in the world through their positive contribution.
  • The aim of the institution is also to bring about the harmonious blending of the traditional and the progressive methods of education as a tool to achieve the all-around development of the personality of the child. Our endeavour is to “create free human beings who are able to impart in themselves purpose and direction to their lives”. Our teaching methods and subject matter are so evolved that they can develop, harmonise and bring together the power of thought, feeling and action in the child. When this integration of head, heart and hand is brought about, the basis will have been laid for mental adaptability initiative and moral strength in adult life. In short, we aim to impart the best of education with the utmost care, love and understanding with a view to instilling in these young minds early enough, moral and ethical values, the strength of character discipline, national outlook, firm faith in all religions, and an abiding spirit of service and sacrifice and thus help and encourage them to develop a healthier and broader outlook on life.

Chinmaya Vidyalaya Emblem

Chinmaya Vidyalaya has a unique emblem- the lamp and the ‘Hamsa’ bird. In the light of the Scriptures (represented by the lamp) the discriminative power of the human intellect is to be developed (represented by the Hamsa bird). 

Vedic tradition describes Hamsa as a bird that can drink milk alone from a mixture of milk and water. The human intellect with its discriminative power must be able to discriminate between spirit and matter and must come to enjoy the spiritual essence in the world of names and forms. Thus the emblem indicates that the function of the Mission is to help people in developing ethical values and cultivating in them a discriminative intellect.

“Keep Smiling” is our motto. We believe that our children are to be moulded by this motto. We hope they will lead a balanced life in all circumstances, whether in joy or sorrow, in success or failure, in honour or dishonour, in prosperity or adversity. This calmness of mind expresses itself in an eternal smile.

The Principal

Mr. Chandran C

[M.A, B.Ed]

Ph No.0467-2204210, 9497728284
Email Id:

Vision and Mission

Our Vision:

To transform society by preparing and motivating our students for the rapidly changing world by instilling in them critical thinking, creative thinking and respect for values and Indian Cultural.

Our Mission:

To give maximum happiness to the maximum number of people for the maximum period of time.